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What Does This Moment Ask of You?

What Does This Moment Ask of You?

Note from Rick: The following song, Surrender to Love, from my album With The Eyes Of A Child, is the perfect musical accompaniment to today’s post.  Feel free to stream it using the embedded audio player below, and see the end of today’s post for more...
Contemplation in Action

Contemplation in Action

How do you like living in the world of duality? Does it work for you to perceive and act out of your either/or consciousness? Does it bring you love, joy, peace, harmony, and serenity or fear, sadness, anger, argument, and anxiety or some combination of both? Do you...
Being – Becoming

Being – Becoming

When I first read Herman Hesse back in the sixties, a whole new world was opening for me and millions of others. It was as if we woke up one morning and the veil between being and becoming had been ripped apart from bottom to top. There were messages being sent from...
Affluence as Flow

Affluence as Flow

Do you know that you are filled with affluence? Your body has an abundant flow of liquid energy coursing through it every moment of every day. Your blood carries a wealth of nutrients, antibodies, and other healing and strengthening agents through the many streams and...
Creativity and Co-creating

Creativity and Co-creating

Is it possible that the creative impulse we all experience unconsciously issues forth from the invisible Source of life and flows in, around, and through the whole of creation? Could it be that by its very nature, creativity is a threat to rational thought and...