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Being and Becoming

Being and Becoming

When I first read Herman Hesse back in the sixties a whole new world was opening for me and millions of others. It was as if we woke up one morning and the veil between Being and Becoming had been torn from top to bottom. There were messages being sent from unknown...
The Beauty of Christmas

The Beauty of Christmas

This Thursday before Christmas I simply want to send you a short note giving thanks for your faithful support of this work and ask you to look deeply into the days ahead to see the beauty that is flowing inside, around and through you all the time. I’d also like you...
Contemplative Artistry

Contemplative Artistry

Contemplation is another word for non-dual or unitive consciousness which sounds very esoteric and mystical to most. In actuality it’s simply letting go of our passing ego thoughts which change from moment to moment to let come an alternative consciousness of inner...
Creativity and Curiosity

Creativity and Curiosity

As children we continually experience life with a sense of wonder, unbridled curiosity and creativity. In my experience, the first and simplest emotion which we find in the human mind is curiosity. I’ll never forget the look I shared with my twelve minute old grandson...
Belief and You

Belief and You

I’ve been sitting with questions about belief for a very long time. These questions have taken me on a journey of discovery that I’m still on. Brother David Steindl-Rast reminds us that “I believe means I give my heart to this.” Abraham Hicks tells us that “A belief...