by Rick Meyers | Jan 30, 2017 | Risk
Some say that we’re in the process of becoming what we already are which is perfect creations of a perfect creator. Others say we’re on the road to perdition. Still others say that everyone that’s not us is out to get us, while others say nothing and shine like the...
by Rick Meyers | Jan 26, 2017 | Life
In nineteen eighty three the book Original Blessing by Matthew Fox was published. At that time it was considered revolutionary because it challenged the ‘Control Culture’ idea of ‘original sin.’ Today, in our more ‘Integral Culture’ it’s considered evolutionary...
by Rick Meyers | Jan 19, 2017 | Awareness
The other day I was wondering what to say when someone asks me what I do. Even though I’ve had a significantly long career as a priest, counselor, spiritual guide, teacher and psychotherapist I’ve always had difficulty answering this question. It may be because I’ve...
by Rick Meyers | Jan 16, 2017 | Calm
When I first came across the above quote it stopped me in my tracks. I was stunned by the profundity of its message. I’d never seen or heard calmness, cradle and power used in the same sentence or in relation to one another. I’d always associated calmness with...
by Rick Meyers | Jan 12, 2017 | Being
I’m wondering how many of us are aware, like Albert Einstein in the above quote, of “belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty and justice.” Do you sense that you belong to this invisible community? If so, what’s the truth you strive...
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