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Contemplation as Art

Contemplation as Art

Are you aware of what causes rampant consumerism and materialism in our cultures? Do you know that your finite personality, your ego consciousness is primarily concerned with externals, appearances, subjects and objects outside your self. The psyche, soul that’s...
Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer

“Contemplation is the ultimate answer to the unreal and insane world that our financial systems, our advertising cultures and our chaotic and unexamined emotions encourage us to inhabit. Contemplative prayer is a deeply revolutionary matter.” This statement by  Rowen...
Contemplative Artistry

Contemplative Artistry

Contemplation is another word for non-dual or unitive consciousness which sounds very esoteric and mystical to most. In actuality it’s simply letting go of our passing ego thoughts which change from moment to moment to let come an alternative consciousness of inner...
Contemplation in Action

Contemplation in Action

How do you like living in the world of duality? Does it work for you to perceive and act out of your either/or consciousness? Does it bring you love, joy, peace, harmony, and serenity or fear, sadness, anger, argument, and anxiety or some combination of both? Do you...