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Where’s Your Energy?

Where’s Your Energy?

Over the past decades I’ve been observing my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energies. Each of these transmit and receive nonphysical energy that manifest in some physical form. Right now, because of some significant external stress in my life, the mental...
Resilience, Spirit, and You

Resilience, Spirit, and You

How often have you been inspired by the resilient power of the human spirit? How many times have you been in a difficult situation where you thought you could’t take another step when something touched your soul allowing you to move forward in a direction you never...
It’s None of My Business

It’s None of My Business

I was listening to a conversation the other day that got quite heated. Two people were arguing over some political point that neither of them had any direct connection or experience to. Each was trying to convince the other of the right and wrong of their argument....
Moving Beyond Fear

Moving Beyond Fear

It’s been said that the two greatest fears are not being enough and not being loved. It’s also been said that the two greatest desires are for growth and meaning. So, are you embracing your enough-ness and your lovingness? Are you growing in ways that fulfill your...
Bringing Life to Life

Bringing Life to Life

Did you have any cherished activities you left behind because you had to let them go to grow beyond where you were? What were these beloved pastimes and what about them did you cherish and now miss? What was the deep change that took place in you between the time you...