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Destination? Further!

Destination? Further!

Back in the mid sixties Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters were touring the U.S.A. in their psychedelic bus upsetting the apple-cart of the status quo by giving away legal LSD. On the destination plate of the bus they’d written ‘Further’. This wasn’t about climbing...
Selfishness and Selflessness

Selfishness and Selflessness

I was raised with the old-fashioned idea that others come first and that I come second, third, fourth or what ever it takes. This was the supreme ethic in which I was brought up. It was built into my family’s culture through the family business that my grandfather...
The Alchemy of Change

The Alchemy of Change

The central tenet of alchemy is the idea that all matter is alive and is the hiding place of what many call God, Essence. It’s that which is seen and unseen, known and unknown, visible and invisible. It aligns with the traditional formulas of initiation: suffering,...
Seeing in the Darkness

Seeing in the Darkness

I suspect we’ve all had many encounters with darkness that were both scary and enlightening. Maybe the first one was coming through the birth canal into the light of the delivery room. Another may have been when a trusted caregiver shocked you into the darkness...
For Real?

For Real?

“Hurry up, let’s go. We have so much to do. How are we ever going to get it all done? Come on, we’ve gotta get a move on. We’re already late. What will they say? What will we do if we don’t get it all done? Faster, forget about that, we have to run. Go, go, go.” How...