Wholeness and Understanding
In our world, everything has pulse, frequency and vibration that no one can hear without special equipment. This invisible energy creates resonance and dissonance which has significant yet normally undetected impact in our lives. It corresponds to what is often called spirit which manifests as a vibrancy and aliveness in the totality of creation. When there’s resonance between beings in any given energy field, there’s a generative operating design. When there’s dissonance, there’s degenerative disease and death.
Rather than rejecting and denying portions of our own being, seeking some kind of illusory perfection, wholeness integrates the contraries. Learning to trust our feelings, grow through our defenses, and seek the Source of Life; we can gradually discover those parts of ourselves that live in fear, resist wholeness and cause alienation, disconnection and isolation. Through this awareness of Source energy, a new inner resonance is discovered which begins to reshape our lives with new understandings. We discover different meaning and purpose which leads to greater wholistic aliveness.
Unfortunately, most of us aren’t listening to the whispers of our heart. We’re not seeing the ‘lanterns of love‘ illuminating the path of wholeness. Our attention is fragmented by the cultural conditioning of external success which causes anxiety, dis-ease and heart ache. Rather than under-standing what’s happening through self reflection, we over-stand through our intellect, rationalize our dis-ease and ignore the inner realities until there’s some mental, emotional, physical or spiritual breakdown; and wonder why. . .
- What do you suspect is obstructing your experience of wholeness and peace?
- Where are you experiencing dis-harmony, alienation and disconnection?
- If you were to return to a memory of wholeness, where would you find it?
- What were the conditions that colluded to create the harmony, the joy of creativity, the enthusiasm for Life you once experienced?
- How might you bring to the light of awareness those aspects of yourself that presently resist wholeness, that live in fear rather than in love?
- What would it take to listen to your heart and walk the path of wholeness?
To understand is to move beyond the surface of things, to gently drift under all of what we hide, repress and deny about our selves, situations, losses, loves and fears. It is to rediscover the wholeness that transcends and includes all we are, have been and now choose to be. It’s a movement into the mystery of life, darkness and light. It’s getting wonderfully honest with ourselves about who we are and who we’re not. It’s loving the wholeness of Life so we can have more of it in all its abundance and share it joyfully.