Note from Rick: The following song, I Got The Blahs, from my album With The Eyes Of A Child, is the perfect musical accompaniment to today’s post. Feel free to stream it using the embedded audio player below, and see the end of today’s post for more details on my album. Enjoy!
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We were all born with amazing gifts and talents. We were all born as special and unique artists who touched something beyond, something higher and more. We were also born into environments where these unique qualities weren’t honored and nurtured. We were put down for our self expression, made to feel less than because we didn’t ‘fit’ the mold of our family or cultural system. We withdrew to survive. We conformed.
As we grew older there was something inside that knew we’d left a significant part of ourselves behind but life happened and we continued trying to be the ‘someone’ else others wanted us to be. Our need to express ourselves grew until one day we broke down, broke through, and awakened to the need to be and do something different. We began to realize a far larger and more creative Self. We began to see with new eyes.
If this hasn’t happened to you, you can stop reading now and get on with your creating. If however this has some resonance, stay tuned. You’re in good company. You’re discovering your lost artist. You’re waking up to the Who that is really You. You’re on a trajectory of Self discovery. You’re in the second journey that will allow you to repair the past and prepare the future by living in the present. Is this really possible?
Julia Cameron offers encouragement – “As artists, we explore the territory of the human heart, braving the dark woods to report to our human tribe that a trail can be found, and we will survive. As artists, we are scouts of consciousness, trailblazers for community and culture.” Does this sound like something you’re yearning for? Do you have a sense that you don’t see as others see? Is it time to become who you really are?
My artist spent most of his life as an orphan. He stayed with me and engaged creativity as much as possible but it was always ancillary to what my professional life demanded. He would come out disguised as a clown, a cowboy, or an impish jokester. He’d show up in socially accepted ways that would make people laugh while on lonely nights he would look at the stars and weep not knowing why. What happened to your artist child?
Eventually I woke up to what was going on in my life and mustered enough self-respect and compassion to own my lost self. I began to see beyond my imposed limitations and started creating in new ways. I also began to know that I could see differently. I recognized that my perceptions were clouded by cultural filters that I didn’t know existed. As I began changing the filters I became more courageous, creative, and alive.
Can you let the world know who you are rather than who they think you should be? Can you create a new reality beyond false pride to integrity, to a place called home inside yourself,a place where you don’t have to be somebody else? Is your artist calling you?
If you enjoyed the musical accompaniment to today’s post, you can buy the individual song, I’ve Got The Blahs, or the entire album, With The Eyes Of A Child, on My favorite description of the album is: “Take the Eagles, Van Morrison, Clapton, the Beatles, Dotsero, Opey Gone Bad, Bob Marley, the Stones, U2, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Ray Charles, throw them in a blender and get Rick. Classic Rock with a real message.”
Great song. So good to hear that voice.
Miss your sermons but enjoy the bog – now with music! Keep creating!
Right time Right message. I made on a decision based on my need to create. Thank you