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Over the past decades I’ve been observing my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energies. Each of these transmit and receive nonphysical energy that manifest in some physical form. Right now, because of some significant external stress in my life, the mental energy that I’m receiving is a bit chaotic so my mental energy transmission is not clear. The emotional energy frequency and vibration however is trusting, optimistic and understanding.

The physical frequency is vibrating rather slowly. It’s sending a signal from the pain in my lower back to my mind/body to breathe, relax and stretch into the disruptive energy. The frequency and vibration of the spiritual energy continues to be calm and centered inviting me into the ever present expansiveness that’s filled with healing and wholeness. As I write these words all this energy is moving in, around and through me and I’m in a modality to receive it.

How much of what I’m saying is resonating with you? Where’s your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy now . . ?   Stop reading at the end of this sentence, breathe and do a scan.

What are you discovering? Where’s your mental energy leading? Are you hearing a lot of chatter? What’s it saying? What are the words behind the words? Where are your emotional vibrations; what are you feeling? How much anger, fear, sadness, or happiness is  present?

What are you discovering physically? Do you notice some discomfort in any area of your body? As the body never lies, what messages are being transmitted by your body? Have you been over eating, over exercising, under exercising or not eating healthy enough? What came to you as you scanned your spiritual self? Did you connect with the still small voice within? Were you floating on the river of life, resting in the depths of the eternal sea or fretting over something?

Sit back and ponder the global environment you live in. Reflect on the frequency and vibration of the energy that is bombarding you every day through our broadcast and social media outlets. Feel the energy of your body, your home, neighborhood, shopping centers, streets, workplaces and personal interactions. What kind of vibrations are you receiving? How high and low are the frequencies that cause you to love and fear? What kind of energies are you broadcasting?

It’s my experience that most of us don’t give much attention to these energies. Having lived in some remote environments for extended periods of time I’ve learned to give attention to the energy vibrations and frequencies that live in, around and flow through me. It helps me know who I am and who I’m not. It awakens me to the inner states that cause pleasure and pain. It reminds me that we are all interconnected, entangled and participating in the mystery of Life.

Nicola Tesla, along with many other scientists and psycho-spiritual masters discovered and consciously lived within these fields of dreams, these ‘secret’s of the universe’ and encourage us to do the same. We are all finite and infinite, physical and non physical beings ebbing and flowing. We can change everything when we become aware of who we really are and how we  live and co create in an ever changing environment. We can all contribute to our awakening.

  • Sit quietly and listen for what’s flowing in, around and through you. Quiet your mind. Focus on your heart space; feel it. Breathe in and out. Let go control. Float on the river of your breath.
  • Become aware of what’s coming into you and what’s going out from you. Feel an inner smile.

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