Unlocking the Door

As we all want to celebrate springtime in the month of May, in the spring of 2020 we’re struggling with a cloud of unknowing that’s locked us out of our comfort zones and taken us into places of fear. The Covid-19 virus has imprisoned us in a way that demands our understanding rather than our fear. It has challenged us to accept a new reality that comes to terms with the unexpected. It has also helped us see that everything we want is on the other side of fear and the door that stands in our way is unlocked from the inside, from our understandings and misunderstandings.
The new normal is a discovery that we can no longer approach life with a ‘business as usual’ attitude. The unpredictable is the new predictable which leads us to ‘No More Business as Usual.’ This refers to every aspect of our lives as we come to realize how indescribably interconnected everything in our planetary experience is, no matter where we live. We are no longer able to see ourselves as a series of dispersed tribes but as a single global community that has a common destiny. The doors of perception have again drawn us together to create a new reality.
When the invisible becomes a pathogen that crosses all humanly created boundaries we begin to find a clarity that resides in the human heart and soul. It spans all limiting concepts to help us experience the sacred unity of all creation. It shows us that everything we truly want is on the other side of fear which is a place called Wisdom, Understanding, Love and Reverence for Life. To look directly into fear, we’re called to do the things we think we cannot do. We’re called to dive deeply into the depths of heart and soul to see with new eyes. We’re called to change.
To unlock the door of our heart and soul from the inside demands a complete reorientation of how we see the world. Rather than make judgements from the outer appearance of another, we begin to recognize ourselves in every being. We begin to see with new eyes that each of us is a part of the whole. We don’t cut off our arm because it hurts or pluck out our eye because we have impaired vision and we don’t discount and destroy fellow humans because we have a different culture, language, color of skin or set of beliefs. We celebrate our gifts differing.
The time has come today and every day to unlock the door of our heart and soul. The time has come to look deep inside ourselves to discover the Oneness that’s shared by the whole creation. The time continues to be here and now to keep learning how to unlock the door that keeps us fettered to old patterns of behavior that tear the fabric of our humanity. The invisible is once again teaching the visible to awaken to the mysteries that are hidden. Like the electric light that showed up in the darkness, let us embrace the new reality that’s here for us to see and Be!
- As you sit in the safety of your home, take time to reflect on your fears and how Love and Understanding can soften and even dissipate these fears. Open yourself to a new way of seeing from the inside out. Notice what keeps you locked up and feel the freedom on the other side of the door. Melt down these chains of fear by inner attention and awareness.
- Continue to look inside and connect with your heart and soul. Be still, trust, open and practice presence. Breath in Love. Breath out fright. Breath in Love. Breath out the fight. Breath in Love. Breath out fright. Breath in Love. Breath out the fight. Breath in Love. Breath out fright… Love is letting go of fear… Let go… Again and again and again.