The Rhythm of Life?
Breathing is a rhythm within your aliveness and activities. Singing and dancing are rhythms with your inner dispositions. Life is filled with the rhythms of your daily routines, with your expansions and contractions. Everything in the Universe has a rhythm. The question for us is how aware of our life rhythms are we and which ones lead to more flow, focus, depth, lovingkindness, expansion, contentment, learning, dancing, humility, empathy, meaning, joy, peace and interconnectivity within the whole of LIFE?
You may think this is a bit over the top, but isn’t ignoring all this what overwhelms us? Don’t you flow with Life better when you’re in harmony with the natural rhythms of nature? Don’t you feel so much more free when you’re dancing with the rhythms of your own human/divine sensuality, connectedness, wonderfulness and childlikeness? How much space do you give yourself to metaphorically and literally dance with the whole of life everyday? How often do you take off your armor to spin and whirl to Life’s rhythms?
I know this may sound like utter foolishness and to the rigid and frigid hearts it is. But to the flexible and flowing hearts it’s not. Which heart are you choosing right now and how aware are you of your inner and outer rhythms on a moment to moment basis? How much time are you spending on remote control; engaging the same tedious out of rhythm activities or non-activities every day while wondering why you’re so uninspired, tired and listless? Isn’t flowing rhythm an essential part of being fully alive?
How often do you wake up sensing a significant shift into ever expanding horizons? On the other hand; how often do you wake up sensing the same old habitual patterns that you’re tired of but do nothing to change? Does your daily routine bring fire or a wet blanket to your life? Are you feeling liberated or repressed in your present routines? What have you dreamed of that you haven’t yet engaged? What’s one change you desire today that you’d like to continue everyday for your next life giving expansion?
As I review my many roads traveled and less traveled I realize how all the contractions and expansions are interconnected. There’s the launch into a new trajectory until the experiences and learnings are fulfilled; then there’s the move onto the next one. Some are short lived while others are engaged for decades and even lifetimes. When one is retired another shows up to be inspired. The intervening periods between journeys have a rhythm of their own which can be for relaxing, releasing and realigning.
Mostly, however, we don’t like these in-between spaces where one season ends before the next one begins. We don’t like living in ‘not knowing‘ because when one flow runs out and another is still coming we don’t know how to be, relax, enjoy, let go, empty out and realign with the mystery. Our inner control system, ego, doesn’t like not knowing, not being in control, insecure, stuck in between. Do you experience this? Is this why you are sometimes unable to embrace a new rhythm or is it something else?
I’m presently listening to some Chillaxing Jazz from the Chillaxing Jazz Kollektion on Pandora Radio. Two months ago I didn’t know this type of music existed and now I’m listening to it everyday. It has a smooth groove and an expansive quality that stirs my soul and aligns me with a rhythm that feels kool, klean, soulful, enigmatic and flowing. It’s helped me get to my desk in ways I’ve had difficulty with. It connects me with my inner creativity and inspires me to grow with rhythmic flow. It’s chillaxing.
I could go on and on about all the transitions that are necessary to discover who we truly are in our depths but I’d rather simply point you to the life giving rhythms that flow inside, outside, around and through you that you may be ignoring. Simply decide on something you’d love to be, do, and have that you’ve thought was out of reach and begin reaching. Place it inside your consciousness and step into it daily. Anything’s possible when you do it repeatedly. Listen. Follow and Flow with the Rhythm of Life. . .
- Whatever new rhythm you decide upon, make it fun. Open you hands, heart and head to the wonder of the journey as much or even more than the destination. Put on your beginners mind and see with the eyes of a child. Take your time. Grow Slowly. Enjoy.
- Affirm yourself for even considering a change in your daily rhythm. Also pick a first step and try it on for awhile. It may require some adjustment. Do not allow yourself to be disheartened and if you’re forcing it, let it go for awhile. It can be challenging but if you’re being hard on yourself it’s not the rhythm you’re looking for. Easy does it. . .
- One of the questions to ask yourself while choosing and engaging this new rhythm is: Am I dancing with this rhythm? What’s the dance? Am I enjoying it? Is it enlivening? You can learn a lot about the appropriateness of the rhythm while dancing with it. . .