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Why would writing be defined as an act of courage? Do you think it takes courage to write? If so, what is it about writing that takes courage for you?

For my first paper in a graduate program at a small prestigious seminary, I had writers block. I spoke privately with the professor. He was very understanding and gave me the best advice possible. “Mr. Meyers, simply sit down and write the paper. Turn it into me and I’ll read it. We can then have a conversation about it.”

Did the block come from performance anxiety? Was I afraid of not being me or of not being enough? How did the conversation enable me to write the paper? Why didn’t I have any problem writing for that class after the conversation? Why don’t I remember anything else about the class except what I’ve reported here? What’s the lesson? What does it say about who we are, courage, limitations, and our learning process? Hmm.

Another experience for me, looking at writing as an act of courage, is how long it took to publish any writing beyond an obligatory monthly newsletter. I spent a week with Ira Progoff at his Journal Writing Workshop in Chicago in the mid eighties and wrote daily for twenty five years after that without ever considering publication. After all, who was I to publish anything? What did I have to say that had any meaning for others? Wasn’t I simply doing therapy for myself, not creating anything?

Then one morning in October of 2010 I woke up with a challenge to write publicly. It was a kind of ‘call’ to come out of my limiting self and write a novel that could speak to others about themselves and the liberating Life energy that flows in, among, around, and through the whole of creation. I’ve been writing with the Great Creating ever since. IAM, like you, connected to the Source and need and now even want to write.

Is it still an act of courage? Yes, and the more I give to writing, the more courage I receive to continue. You see, we’re all part of the vastness of God. Some would even say that we are God. IAM GOD! What? That’s blasphemy and yet, if we have come from the very Source of Life, the First Cause, the One Principle of the Universe, we are the same Substance as THAT. Being of One Substance we are One with the Essential IS.

To put this in print for me is courageous because it runs contrary to the objective god we’ve created outside ourselves. It runs contrary to the exoteric, outer teachings of the Church but runs parallel to the esoteric, inner teachings of the mystics including Jesus or Yeshua of Nazareth. The Kingdom of God, radiant energy and limitlessness is within each one of us but we’ve been taught the opposite. So, the courage to create is one with the Source. Can you embrace this and become a co-creator with the One? Yes, yes, I can, I can, because IAM . . . Now you know. Write away, be bold, and create . . .

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