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What if spiritual tools and perspectives could lead people through change in ways that nothing else can? What if corporate leaders, managers, and employees explored the business applications of challenging universal principles like: What we resist, persists – Strength expands through diversity – We all go together or we don’t go at all – No one wins until we all win – Reactivity triggered in us reflects aspects of ourselves and . . .

Patricia Aburdene has co-authored four Megatrend books. She sees the power of spirituality trending in corporate America because: “In turbulent times, we look within and ‘spiritual’ CEOs and senior executives who do, are transforming their companies.” She goes on to say that ‘The Power of Spirituality is arguable the greatest megatrend of our era.’ Are you seeing this in your world? Are we beginning to awaken from our sleep?

Sherry Anderson and Paul Ray, Ph.D.s and co-authors of The Cultural Creatives spent 14 years doing market research, focus groups, and polling to describe three distinct ‘cultures’ in the United States and Western Europe, determined by people’s values:

  • The ‘Traditionals,’ about one quarter of the population, emphasize community, the Bible, and disdain feminism and sexuality outside of marriage. This group is shrinking as members gradually age and die.
  • The ‘Moderns,’ the dominant culture, represent the 50 percent who place a top priority on money, success, and ‘making it.’ Mainstream business reflects this
  • The ‘Cultural Creatives’ are the 30 percent of the U.S. population (35 percent of Western Europe) who value nature, authenticity, spirituality, peace, relationships, feminism, inclusivity, social justice, and social responsibility. They are neither moderns nor traditionals. They are literally creating a new culture. Their impact is being felt.

The Cultural Creatives are growing significantly each year and presently represent more that 70 million Americans. They are increasingly attracting millions of crossovers from the modernist camp and could possibly be the dominant culture within five years. As this trend continues, we will see more ‘values-driven’ consumers, a socially responsible investment boom, the dawn of conscious business pioneers, ‘conscious capitalism’, ‘enlightened’ self interest, and increasing integral spirituality in business.

Growing numbers of Americans and Europeans are embodying their values, getting informed, influencing their colleagues, taking their values shopping, melting the walls between personal and organizational spirituality. The power is shifting to ordinary people who, together, embody the Life Force of transformation. We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for and together, we are making a difference. Stay the course and enlighten up.

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