Soulful Serenity
Over the past weeks I’ve been waking up disoriented in the mornings from the night’s sleep. I’ve had to consciously identify the time and place of where I am and who I am upon awakening. Once reoriented, I lie partially awake wondering about the wandering. Sometimes I’ll chant a mantra like ‘relax’ or ‘open’ or ‘peaceful presence’ or ‘soulful serenity.’ This helps me come back to this world; smile, awaken and reconnect as the words are attached to love, joy and peace which are the vibes of my invisible tribes.
When I marinate in this mystery long enough, there’s a sense of companioning, care and compassion that satisfy my hungry heart and confused mind. I stay in this space long enough to reorient myself to the present day, get out of bed, take time to reflect with my journal and engage the contemplative artistry of a new day. Because I’m not on any ‘outside schedule’ at this time in my life, I’m able to slowly enter the morning with a sense of wonder and understanding along with rationality and overstanding.
The other day I woke up in a euphoric state breathing peacefulness. It was a viscerally felt experience that lasted the whole morning. I looked in the mirror and noticed a slight serene smile which connected to the subtle inner peace I was experiencing. I then remembered that I’d come out of a dream, out of a story where this inner peace had been transmitted to me. I’d heard “Peace be with you” and felt a subtle current of energy pass in, around and through me. My inner room was radiating a white light.
What occurred to me as I reflected on the experience of my dream was how I chose to be receptive, expand my perception, amplify my imagination, move beyond the clouds of illusion and close the doors of confusion. I wasn’t satisfied with the narrowness, the pervasive close mindedness and constrictive nature of where I was. I wanted to move further beyond my cultural conditioning, so I created a radiant messenger to show up and help me. His radiant energy was subtle and causal creating an inner shift in me.
The curious thing was that it seemed not to be just a dream but a lived experienced, a transmission of light and life that somehow not only happened in the early morning dream but also in the dream that is this life. The veil seems to have been thin enough to allow a way through the cloud of unknowing. The proof in this pudding is that I’m still smiling and am able to tell you about it without feeling any embarrassment. The peace that is still with me as I write this article is loving, reverent, joyful, soulful and serene.
To add to Richard Rohr’s above quote concerning the blueprint of the soul: “When we’re with our soul, connected, soulful, we’re aware of the inherent truth, goodness and beauty shining through everything. It’s a present day birthing process leading beyond the thinking mind into a simple mystery of being here, now; beyond thoughts, words and deeds – a simple presence in each breath, each observation, each wisp of wind, ray of sunshine, drop of rain, sound of a bird. . . .”
I’m speaking to you of this because I want you to know that the Essence of who we are is born out of experience and a reorientation of our perspectives and perceptions. Without the attention I gave this dream, it would simply have been another wisp of wind I gave no awareness to. I would have blown it off as another fantasy or wouldn’t have even remembered it because of my busy-ness and compulsion to get to the so called ‘real’ business of life which in so many ways is not very real at all.
Rilke speaks of a silence ‘as undisturbed as the interior of a rose’ and how he was standing, leaning against the fork of a tree, when this deep calm came over him and he experienced a sense of mystical union with nature. It reminded me that we humans have always had clear flashes, experiences of the powers that will one day be natural to us all. I’m sensing that as we give more attention to these experiences, we will come to know, understand and cultivate them; thus awakening to the soulful serenity in all Life.
- As you walk through the continual unfolding of your days and weeks, give attention to your night and day dreams. Give attention to the wisps of wind that gently caress your soul. Invite the subtle awakenings of your inner being to the Great Creating that is ever present and flowing in, around and through you. . . .
- Invite your soul to reveal to you who you truly are and what you are to become today. Ask reverently as you will: ‘What does this moment ask of me?’ Listen to the still small voice within with all your senses and beyond, then ask: ‘What am I to become today?’
- Play with mantras, repetitive transmitting and receiving prayers of presence to help you connect with your unconscious selves and your True Self. Use ‘Soulful Serenity,’ ‘Peaceful Presence,’ ‘Open Appreciate,’ ‘Relax Rejoice’ and so on. Use what’s most meaningful for you at this time and place in your journey. It’s simply about connecting with the ever present Loving Companion Presence known by a thousand names. . . .
Rick I truly enjoyed reading your words in Soulful Serenity! I just got back from a nice long walk enjoying my ‘mystical union with nature’, with my dog, Roscoe, and read your post. It is nice for my soul to get away from my busy-ness, as you say. As you teach us all in your writings, I’m choosing to be in the now and keep smiling. I love seeing the goodness and beauty shining through everything and everyone. Love, joy and peace be with you! And THANK YOU for all of your beautiful words!
Thanks for your guidance-as lately, the trail has been a little jagged.
Now, Since I have stopped responding to the white noise of current USA Politics–the trail has become a lot smoother.
This lesson today, will start tomorrow, upon waking. Thank You.
We start on a travel escapade Saturday, which while first becoming awake, I can reference this 1st question->”Where am I ?”-and then transport to the inner and ever present LCP ( aka-Paraclete), to get balanced before the days challenges begin.
Thank You again for your steady and wise guidance.
I hope that all is well in your realm.