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Seasons of Opportunity

Jul 16, 2020 | Opportunity | 2 comments

Nature is never in a state of stasis. It’s always in a state of flux, but we humans aren’t tuned into the ongoing changes that take place every day. I’ve noticed over this summer season that so many days seem to be the same. The sun comes up about the same time, the daily rituals are close to being the same, the heat of the day shows up early and lasts late into the night. The daily chores come and go, ebb and flow but I’m not noticing the subtle changes in the environment or even in my own soul. I just get on with the day, do what’s necessary to wonder where the time goes when the sun disappears from view. What does this say to me? What does it say to you? 

I remember when I spent summers at the lake and each day was different with something new that brought Life to life. I remember spending summers sitting on a tractor, cutting, swathing, baling and stacking hay when each day accomplished something new. I remember the smells of the seasons, the specific chores and celebrations of the seasons, the tone and texture of the seasons. Now that I live the majority of my life in an office, at a desk engaged with deadlines and agendas, I don’t seem to experience the same vitality and enjoyment of life I once did.

What is it that draws us into routines that keep us from the wonder of creation, the fascination of engagement and the joys of life? How is it that we fail to take advantage of every day as a new season of life to learn, grow and change? Why are we wasting our creativity in positions that keep us stuck rather than shaking the foundations of where we are to create something new? What would it take to breathe life into our daily rhythms and engage new processes of creation? Why do we settle for less than the creative flow of blessings that are always here in our midst?  

I’m asking myself these questions and wondering how I can make today a cosmic birthing process. How can I consciously become  part of the creative flow of everyday blessings that are part of the process of Creation? Why do I avoid the infinite birthing that’s eternally present rather than becoming part of it? What’s holding me back? Why am I becoming a terminal adult? Where did my inner child go and how can I bring him back to teach me to live joyfully again? Do these questions ever enter your stream of consciousness? Do you ever wonder about wonder?

Every season of soul comes and goes in ways that are visible and invisible. There also seems to be seasons within seasons. When the clouds darken and the wind blows, everything  changes. When the rain pours in torrents or the ground gets so dry that a spark becomes a forest fire, it’s a new season. When the seeds sprout and become fresh vegetables and the bees make their honey, it’s a new season. When new life comes in the night or at the break of dawn, it’s a new season with  new opportunities. With attention, these new seasons can show us the way!

  • Give yourself the gift of awakening to this moment, this breath, this brief season within the summer season. Become aware of where you are inwardly. What are you feeling, thinking, experiencing in this moment? Where have these words taken you? Can you sense a new season emerging within you? Are you aware of the new seasons within this season?
  • Today and every day, stop, look and listen for the benevolent something that resides within you and that flows all around you. Follow your breath in and out for a few moments along the way today. Drop into the depths of your Being with eyes closed and simply rest in this new season of soul. Awaken, even for a moment, to the serenity that’s here!



  1. Randy T Pote

    Every day is a new season of soul. The opportunity to experience smiles underneath masks. The opportunity to compliment people on their creative masks and say, “who would’ve ever thought we’d be commenting on people’s masks in 2020. It always draws a laugh and comment. The opportunity to recognize God’s gift to us and the extra opportunities to share His love. This is an amazing time!!!

  2. Rick Meyers

    Thanks for your comments Randy……You’re so right on………Sharing the Divine Love….all ways and everywhere!!!!

    Hope all is well with you …….

    Blessings All Ways..



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