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Note from Rick: The following song, With The Eyes of a Child, from my album With The Eyes Of A Child, is the perfect musical accompaniment to today’s post.  Feel free to stream it using the embedded audio player below, and see the end of today’s post for more details on my album.  Enjoy!

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For those of us privileged to spend time with young children, we can get re-educated in the ways of Beginners Mind. Through our children and grandchildren we get to once again see ‘With the Eyes of a Child.’ I put this in quotes because ten years ago I published a music album with this as the title track. Five years ago our daughter birthed a son. We’ve been seeing through his eyes ever since. What an enormous gift for us all.

I see the sun setting over the mountains and I’m feeling part of it all.

My soul is free out here on the foothills. With the eyes of a child I can finally see.

I see the lights of the city and I know what goes on there.

So I’m going to my Home instead, know I’ll find my family there.

I’ve lived the High life. I’ve lived the low life. The chase went on wherever I was.

The Drama goes on, the Play is so long. I’m glad I had it and I’m glad it’s gone.

It took me so long to know what I was here for. It took me so long to see through the clouds.

I can see now, through the illusions. I can see cause I’m standing ten feet tall.

I see the sun setting over the mountains and I’m feeling part of it all.

My soul is free out here on the foothills. With the yes of a child I can finally see . . .

Inside the front cover of the album there’s a picture of a five and seven year old boy and girl dressed in western costumes including handkerchiefs, hats, and toy guns in holsters. It’s my sister and me. We grew up with the childhood dream of living that life. We also grew up with the childhood possibility of peace on earth and good will toward all beings. With children there are many possibilities and some of us never forget.

We live in a time of great transition and in this time we’re all being called to Beginners Mind. The mechanical universe Sir Isaac Newton convinced us of gave us a way to think that brought great advances in so many areas of life. This worldview however is unsustainable for our time. We’re now awakening to the Quantum and Holographic Universe which can inspire us to positive enthusiastic possibilities and potentialities.

Our inner children and offspring are trying to tell us about this and we’re beginning to wake up to what Beginners Mind knows and sees with the eyes of a child. We’re a decade and a half into the twenty first century while still acting as if we were in the twentieth and nineteenth centuries. It’s high time for our inspirations to guide our intentions, for us to be motivated by bigger missions to serve the world. Do you agree?

If so, let go your fixed expert mindset of the past and let come your beginners mindset that’s drawing you into the new. Connect with Source and Dream Big. Allow yourself to see with the eyes of a child and be guided by the Great Mystery that’s always here/now.

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