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October Revelations

Oct 16, 2019 | Change | 0 comments

James was a friendly kind of guy. He always seemed to have a smile for those he’d meet, even strangers. Everyone seemed to like him and his good humored personality. He had a good job, family, education, house and all the things most people strive for. He was creative, successful and an upstanding person in the community. What most people didn’t know however was that James had an emotional condition he never dealt with beyond his own dark times he called ‘The blues.’ They were his Octobers….

Most of us have Octobers that very few people see. We try to hide, repress and deny these revealing colors, these dark and different colors even from ourselves while the winds of change blow through our lives. What are the hidden colors in your life, the angers that turn your green leaves red or the fears and sorrows that turn your leaves yellow? What detaches you from the Source of life like the leaves that blow in the wind and cause you to suffer a disconnecting isolation from the depths of your soul? 

Sandy was an artist who sowed seeds of optimism and joy wherever she went. Her subtle energy was contagious and produced a harvest of blessing with all those who knew her. She lived modestly after her husband died while staying connected with her grown son, daughter, grandchildren, friends and associates. The depths of the darkness she experienced at the loss of her life partner took her into the soil of her soul where she planted new seeds of Life. The harvest from that planting became her Octobers….

October is the month of harvest. Our thoughts, words and actions are the seeds that  grow and become that harvest. Inside each seed lives the potential for joy and sorrow, love and fear, peace and war, life and death. Through our inner and outer work, we tend the garden of our souls and not. As we give attention to the higher positive energies of life, they grow as do the negative energies. Each of us, each moment of everyday, make decisions unconsciously and consciously that create our Octobers….

As we look at October through the lens of our own lives, we can begin to see what needs to be let go of and what needs to come. We can notice the many colored leaves floating in the breeze as liberators for a new season. We can recognize the harvest of former plantings as the seeds that have grown to bring us where we are, to be who we are and why we are. All this acts as a readout for our positioning and discovery of the direction we need to go for a harvest of Abundant Life.

The revelations of October teach us to give attention to the mysteries of Nature that dwell in us and all of Life. Every season of every day has something new to teach us. Joan D. Chittister says: “The harvest of youth is achievement; the harvest of middle age is perspective; the harvest of age is wisdom; and the harvest of life is serenity.” For me, each of these show up everyday in every season; and the more attention we give to them, the more we grow into the fullness of who we truly are. The revelations of October are the revelations of a lifetime and they come to us every moment, every day. 

  • Receive the gift of Self-reflection today as you walk in Nature. Notice how you reflect the trees shedding their leaves, the harvest of the season, the warmth and coolness of the air, the clouds and clarity of the sky, the darkness and fertility of the soil. . . .
  • Reflect on the seeds you’ve sown and the seeds you’re sowing. Recognize the harvest of each of these seeds and through your thoughts, words and actions, plant  new seeds that will bring the kind of harvest that create more love, joy and peace.
  • Give thanks for the many opportunities you have to plant new seeds today and begin   harvesting a whole new array of revelations for this October.



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