March Gratitude

As we enter a new month and season of Spring, I’m reminded of how gratitude can shift us to higher energy frequencies attracting new growth and expansion. As daylight continues to increase one minute per day on its way to the Summer Solstice, the plants and animals slowly awaken to the new birthing that takes place annually. We humans however need other prompts as we seemingly focus our attention on everything but the light that shines in the sky and in our hearts. We find ourselves focusing on the day to day struggles that sap our strength rather than on the blessings that bring Life to Life. What wonder could this month offer us?
Last night, before it got dark, I happened to look out the window and noticed it was snowing. I was delighted to see it, realizing it can snow anytime from September through June in Colorado. I watched as it got darker to experience the wonder of the moment and felt a strange sense of gratitude for the blessing of this gift. I then checked in after dark to see the snowflakes pouring from the sky lit by the streetlight next to the house. As I reflected on these moments before going to bed, there was an awareness of how the simplest of things can fire the imagination and prompt what appears to be ordinary into something extraordinary.
Last year at this time we were living in the mountains with record snowfall accumulation. As the days warmed, the thaw threatened flooding. We lived a block from the Dolores River so I walked to it every day to experience the millions of gallons of water pouring down from the mountains. It was an awesome experience along with giving attention to the trees and bushes birthing their new leaves and blossoms. Living close to Nature giving her attention turns common days into special days and blessings into insights. Living with gratitude transforms the ordinary to the sublime and indifference to affirmation. It’s an attitude with altitude.
As you bring yourself into the month of March with Lent, Daylight Savings Time, St. Patrick’s Day, March Madness, Purim, Spring Equinox, Full Moon, budding plants, snow, rain and a host of other experiences; give yourself a gift. Awaken to the opportunities to transform ‘common days’ into thanksgivings, ‘routine jobs’ into celebrations, ‘ordinary moments’ into blessings and ‘darkness’ into light. From this inner space, awaken to a beauty and love within yourself that you forgot was there and begin to smile awhile, laugh a lot and give Life much more than what you thought you got. It’s time for an attitude of March Gratitude!
- As you walk through the month of March, stop throughout each day to be still and feel the environment you’re in. Notice what you notice, then notice what you don’t notice!
- Become aware of your indifference, your antagonism, your disappointment, your anxiety and give thanks for the opportunity to become aware of them. Recognize how they can help you live into their opposites. Turn these moments into opportunities for gratitude!
- When you find yourself complaining; stop, look and awaken to the Source of Life that’s flowing in, around and through you. Be still and know, grow and show the gratitude that’s the essence of you!