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Imagine waking up everyday to the beauty, wonder, and magnificence of Life. Imagine living throughout this day with a smile on you face and enthusiasm in your heart. Imagine the world you want to live in and your part to play in it. Imagine peace on earth and good will toward all creation. Imagine Aliveness. Imagine the most glorious vision you can imagine right now for yourself and the world . . . Feel it. Hold it. Live into it . . .

Do you know the so called future is actually created in the now? What we imagine and engage today we create in the now. This now is right here and tomorrow will also be  right here as we choose it to be. The more we engage the image of what we want here and now, the more it comes to be here and now. We can’t wait to create what we want, we have to create it now, here, today because now is always all there ever is . . .

I wanted to write a book for over twenty-five years but didn’t. It wasn’t until I sat down everyday with intention that it came to be. It was the day to day, here and now intention that created that book. I wrote it in the now and it now exists. I’m writing this blog in the now and you’re reading it in the now. The ideas, words, and images have always been here but never in this form, in this moment. I’m allowing Source energy to flow through words in this moment and you’re interpreting them all in the eternal now. Hmm . . .

“More and more the things we could experience are lost to us, banished by our failure to just imagine them.” What an amazing insight by Rilke. How do you focus on the moment and allow all that’s here to emerge? How often do you imagine and lovingly act upon your highest good? Imagine what you could manifest by bringing radical intention to those inspired images in everyday’s now. Be Still and Know . . .

Over the past months I’ve taken the opportunity to spend more moments in the Now. I’ve allowed myself to open to the Infinite Self and ask for further guidance and direction. I’ve been more Still to Know the IAM that IS always and everywhere here and now with and for us. I’ve discovered again the simple and profound wisdom of yielding and surrendering to the Great River of Life that’s always flowing through you and me.

I’m  recognizing that as much as all our little ego personalities want it, there can be No More Business As Usual.  We’re all being asked in so many ways to Wake Up to the Aliveness that’s here for us to live into, for ourselves and the whole of creation. I’m imagining that we are indeed the ones we’ve been waiting for and the wait is over. It’s time to Accept this reality, Imagine the big dreams and Live them right Here, right Now, Today. For me this is the Way, the Truth, the Light, and the Life. What do you Imagine?

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