Ahh, September!

It’s the first week of September and something’s changed in me that feels significant. From the moment I woke up early this morning until now there’s been an inner shift, a subtle drift of joyful movement from summer to fall. Maybe it’s the mystery of life touching the outer reaches of inner space or the subtleness of a freedom I experienced as a young boy. Somehow there’s a new lightheartedness that’s overcome the heaviness of summer’s heat and the darkness of death’s open door. It’s a feeling of dancing again with no fear or fright, awakening to some new delight.
Autumn is the final season where the leaves turn, the harvest is gathered and the preparations are made for more darkness, less light. It’s a time when summer cottages are readied for winter, docks are taken in and boats are turned over, covered or stored inside for another season. It’s a time when kids went back to school to learn how to be cool and abide by the rule. It’s a time when leaves turn and fall, where flowers fade and the invisibles gather their bounty for the slow dance of winter’s call. It’s a cultivation of Life’s mystery at the heart of all things.
Thinking backwards, I go to that small town I was raised in where September was a threshold crossing; a time and space for raking leaves, bonfires, transitions and inner worlds that smelled like smoke, tasted like pumpkin spice and everything was nice. It’s where mystery fired the imagination and brought us closer to creation. Maybe that’s what I’m feeling today; the infinite moments we travel while transcending time and space opening to the grace of a slower pace. Maybe it’s the eternal call that touches a reverence for Life and awakens our souls to All.
I look forward now to the harvest moon, the cooler nights, the autumn wind, the falling leaves and the shedding trees. I sense a change in the air, in the soul of this season that draws me near to hear something subtle and wonderful……What could it be? Is it the second spring where every leaf is a flower, every minute is a cherished hour? Recognizing this autumn season marks the fourth quarter for many. In the general scheme of human things it’s the time between our mid-sixties and mid-eighties. It’s a time of seasoning before we say hello, good-bye. . . .
Let us then celebrate this Autumn Season of Soul together and awaken to this second Spring as we learn to sing and awaken to all it brings. Let us recognize this season of harvest and plenty while remembering to remember to investigate the mystery and wonder in the heart of all things. Let us come together in our longings to be more fully alive that we may thrive in the calmness and stormy skys. Let us recognize that we are the lighthouse and the wind, the beginnings and the ends that are always here there and everywhere! Let us awaken and soulfully sing!
- Close your eyes and smile from the outside in. Sense the mystery and wonder again. . . .
- Awaken to the Autumn season and notice what makes your soul sing like Spring. . . .